Awarded for the best five solo flights by a pilot with less than 50 hours as pilot in command [glider] on January 1st of the current year.


Year Pilot
2023 Tim Bertram
2022 Cam Livingstone
2021 Gerald Ashcroft
2020 Neil Kelly
2019 Neil Kelly
2018 Shamveel Ahmed
2017 Perry Taylor
2016 Perry Taylor
2015 Tanis Scott
2014 Jessie Mack
2009 Tim Fulcher
2008 Greg McKinnon
2007  Greg McKinnon
2006 Martin Weirich
2005 Kai Madsen and Allan Grant
2004 Jay Allardyce
2003 Allan Grant
2002 Alvin Jorheim
2001 Mike Treacy
2000 Mike Treacy
1999 Bryan Weber
1998 Bryan Weber
1997 Andrzej Konarzewski
1996 Norman Schmidt
1995 Frank Cwikla
1994 Bruce Walzer
1993 Frank Herzog
1992 Fraser Putnam
1991 Bruce Walzer
1990 Art Grant
1989 Art Grant
1988 Paul Cheverie
1987 William Stevens
1986 John Wachnian & Francine Dainous
1985 Howard Loewen
1984 Nelville Robinson
1983 Mirth Rosser
1982 Claire Stevens
1981 Bruce Wilkin
1980 Mike Maskell
1979 Jim Cumming
1978 Jim Cumming
1977 Dave Hennigar
1976 M. DeGroot
1975 Chris Pederson
1974 Hazel Flint
1973 Russ Flint
1972 Ian Oldacker
1971 George Evans
1970 Alec Sunley
1969 Dave Tustin
1968 Norm Dyck
1967 Norm Dyck
1966 Dave Tustin
1965 H. E. Kurbis
1964 W. Wollrad
1963 H. E. Kurbis